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What is an access control system? 

Written by Joe Jarvis | Apr 16, 2024 1:34:09 PM

Imagine arriving at your property you manage early one morning to find a tenant waiting anxiously outside the entrance. Their keycard has been stolen, leaving them locked out of their unit and feeling vulnerable.

Robust security measures are a critical part of ensuring a secure and safe tenant experience, and can help avoid the kind of scenarios mentioned above. Traditional lock and key systems have became increasingly obsolete in the midst of digitalisation.

In their place, innovative solutions like access control systems and digital locks are quickly becoming an industry standard. Smart locks, like the ones offered by iLOQ or Salto KS, enhance safety and security while providing convenience for tenants.

Are you considering implementing an access control soultion into your property, or integrating smart lock software into your existing tech ecosystem? Read on to explore the evolving realm of access control systems and digital locks, exploring their various types, benefits, functionality, integration capabilities, and requirements.

Whether you're managing residential buildings, commercial spaces, or mixed-use developments, join us as we navigate the path to fortifying your real estate assets against threats and uncertainties.

What is an access control system?

An access control system is a security solution designed to regulate and manage entry to physical spaces within a property. That might be an apartment building, a shop, an office complex, or an shared space.

It uses electronic credentials, such as keycards, biometric scans, or PIN codes, to authenticate individuals and grant them appropriate access permissions. Unlike traditional locks, access control systems provide a more sophisticated and flexible approach to access management, empowering property managers with greater control and oversight over who is accessing parts of a property and when. 

How it works

Access control systems operate based on a centralised control mechanism managed through digital access management software.

When an individual attempts to access a secured area, they present their electronic credentials to a reader device. The system then verifies the credentials against its database and grants or denies access accordingly.

With advanced features such as timed access and automatic user synchronization, property managers can efficiently manage access permissions and track user activities in real-time.

Digital access management: a new approach to security

Digital access management software offers advanced features for managing access rights, tracking user activities, and enhancing overall security. 

What's more, tenant experience apps like Chainels are able to seamlessly integrate digital access management into their digital platform to facilitate the following, 

  • Set up timed access on bookable amenities like shared spaces, loading bays, or meeting rooms. Tenants can pay for a certain number of hours through the booking module, and through the access control system, they're able to access those spaces during the hours they've paid for.  

  • Quickly remove access rights of lost, stolen, or unreturned keys from the system and re-issue them as needed.

  • Enable automatic user synchronisation to eliminate manual data entry and reduce the risk of errors in access credential management.

Types of access control systems

Access control systems come in various types, each offering unique features and functionalities tailored to different security needs:

  • Battery and Cable-Free Digital Smart Locking: Access control systems like iLOQ offer battery and cable-free digital smart locking, ensuring uninterrupted operation and hassle-free installation.

  • Keyless Access Technology: With system like Salto, you can replace mechanical locks with keyless access technology to secure every door in your property without the need for physical keys.

  • Online and Offline Smart Access: Take advantage of smart access solutions with wireless cloud infrastructure, enabling both online and offline access control capabilities.

  • Integration with Smart Building Systems: Seamlessly integrate access control systems with other smart building technologies for a comprehensive and streamlined management experience.

Access control system benefits

Implementing an access control system and digital locks offers a multitude of benefits for real estate managers:

  • Enhanced Security: Lower the risk of unauthorised access and intrusions, safeguarding tenants, guests, and assets.

  • Convenience and Flexibility: Provide tenants with convenient and flexible access to amenities and shared spaces while maintaining security protocols.

  • Efficient Management: Streamline access management processes, eliminate manual tasks, and reduce the risk of errors through automation and integration with property management platforms.

  • Scalability: Easily scale the access control system to accommodate growing real estate portfolios or changing security requirements.

Access control system integration

Integration is key to maximising the effectiveness of access control systems in property and community management.

As we've mentioned, seamlessly integrating an access control system with Chainels' booking module serves to enhance functionality and convenience for both property managers and tenants.

Integration enables features such as temporary access to amenities, automatic user credential assignment based on user roles, and simplified user authentication processes.

Access control system requirements

To effectively implement an access control system in your real estate assets, consider the following requirements:

  • Reliable Infrastructure: Ensure the availability of reliable power supply and network connectivity to support the operation of access control systems and digital locks.

  • Scalable Solution: Choose a scalable access control system that can accommodate the size and complexity of your real estate portfolio.

  • User Training: Provide comprehensive training for property managers and tenants to ensure proper use of the access control system and adherence to security protocols.

  • Compliance: Align the implementation with relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards to maintain compliance and data protection.

In conclusion, access control systems and digital locks offer a comprehensive solution for enhancing the safety and security of real estate assets.

By leveraging advanced technologies and features such as battery-free smart locking, keyless access technology, and seamless integration with property management platforms, real estate managers can ensure optimal security and convenience for their tenants while streamlining access management processes.

Embracing these innovative solutions is essential for staying ahead in an increasingly competitive and security-conscious real estate landscape.