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Chainels News

Global ESG Awards 2024: Chainels wins  CommuniCare Impact Award

Discover how Chainels, winner of the Global ESG Awards' CommuniCare Impact Award, revolutionizes landlord-tenant collaboration through its innovative platform.

[Cannes, 12/03/24] – Chainels is proud to announce its victory at the Global ESG Awards, presented to our co-founder Sander Verseput this year at MIPIM. We’re honored to have received the CommuniCare Impact Award, standing out among notable nominees including Aura Labs, Mapxus Technology, Mclimate, and PoiLabs.

As a company that strives to help landlords reach their ESG goals through facilitating communication, collaboration, and tenant involvement—this award only solidifies our ongoing commitment to that end. 

Chainels came out as the winner of the CommuniCare Impact Award because the platform provides a digital layer for landlords to involve tenants in their ESG initiatives by:

  • Communicating: Chainels makes it easy to solicit feedback from tenants on things like air quality, noise disturbance, and general satisfaction. Moreover, it helps managers collect qualitative data through polls and surveys which contribute to a more tenant-centric living experience.

  • Educating: Through the app timeline, managers can inform tenants with tips on sustainable initiatives like recycling, energy efficiency and improving wellbeing within properties.

  • Motivating: Offering incentives and rewards to residents and staff for sustainable behaviors.

The Chainels platform also makes data insightful and visible. For example, the platform’s Energy Insights module provides both managers and end-users with digestible reports on their energy usage, and a means to track and optimize that usage for greener outcomes.

Additionally, the platform contributes to sustainable community building by creating both online and offline social communities, combating loneliness, encouraging sharing of goods and circular economies, and promoting volunteering.

Chainels' approach to ESG can have a measurable positive impact on implementing ESG strategies. Regarding ESG frameworks, our platform can help managers score up to 23 points on BREEAM, 2.5 points on GRESB and 9 points on WELL. 

For a deeper understanding of Chainels' capabilities complying with ESG frameworks and building more sustainable communities, download our ESG scorecards.

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