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How to respond to tenant inquiries: A five-step guide for landlords

Learn how to effectively respond to tenant inquiries in this blog. From setting clear communication expectations to providing complete and accurate information, these tips will help you maintain positive relationships with your tenants and ensure smooth operations of your properties.

As a landlord, your tenants rely on you to provide them with answers to their questions and concerns.

Responding to tenant inquiries in a timely and professional manner can go a long way in maintaining positive relationships with your tenants and ensuring smooth operations of your properties. That’s why, in this blog, we’ll discuss how to respond to tenant inquiries.

Here are some tips on how to effectively respond to tenant inquiries.

1. Respond like a boss

One of the most important things you can do is respond to tenant inquiries promptly. Tenants appreciate prompt attention and it shows that you value their concerns. Aim to respond within 24 hours, if possible.

Set clear expectations

Do you prefer to use email, text messages, or a property manager software that consolidates all your comms channels on one platform?

Whichever it is, inform your tenants of your preferred mode of communication. Also communicate expected response time, and well as hours that you’re not available to respond. This will help manage expectations and ensure smooth communication. 

Get organised

Keep track of all tenant inquiries in a centralised system, like a property management software. This will help you easily locate and respond to inquiries in a timely manner.

Prioritise urgent inquiries

If a tenant inquiry requires immediate attention, such as a maintenance emergency or a safety concern, prioritise it and respond as soon as possible. Promptly addressing urgent inquiries can help prevent further damage or inconvenience to your tenants.

Use technology to your advantage

Utilise technology tools such as email templates, autoresponders, or chatbots and property management software to acknowledge receipt of inquiries and provide updates on the status of requests. This can help save time and ensure consistent communication.

At Chainels, we've just released our latest Chat module, enabling efficient communication between landlords, property managers and tenants. Facilitating real-time communication by providing an alternative channel for seamless dissemination of vital updates, discounts and policies. 

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Follow up and follow through

If you need to gather more information or take action to address a tenant inquiry, make sure to follow up and provide updates as necessary. This demonstrates your commitment to resolving the issue and keeps the lines of communication open.

2. Be professional

When responding to tenant inquiries, it’s important to maintain a professional tone and manner. This includes avoiding using slang or informal language, and avoiding personal opinions that could be perceived as biassed.

Use courteous and respectful language 

Choose your words carefully and avoid using derogatory or offensive language. Be polite and respectful in your tone, even if the inquiry is challenging or frustrating.

Provide complete and accurate information

Ensure that your responses are thorough and provide all the necessary information to address the tenant's inquiry. Avoid vague or incomplete responses, as it can lead to misunderstandings or further inquiries.

Show empathy and understanding 

Show empathy towards tenants' concerns or issues. Acknowledge their concerns and provide reassurance that you are taking their inquiry seriously and will work towards resolving the matter.

Avoid being defensive 

Even if the tenant's inquiry or complaint is challenging, avoid becoming defensive or dismissive. Listen carefully to their concerns and respond in a calm and composed manner.

Keep records 

Maintain a record of all communications with tenants, including emails, texts, or notes from phone conversations. This can serve as a reference in case of any disputes or misunderstandings in the future.

3. Gather the right information

Before responding to a tenant inquiry, gather all the necessary information and review any relevant policies or procedures. This will ensure that you provide accurate and complete answers to your tenants. 

Ask open-ended questions

Instead of asking yes/no questions, ask open-ended questions that require detailed responses. For example, instead of asking, "Is the faucet leaking?", ask "Can you please provide more details about the issue with the faucet?"

Request supporting documentation

If the inquiry involves a request for repairs or maintenance, ask the tenant to provide supporting documentation such as photos, videos, or a written description of the issue. This can help you better understand the problem and determine the appropriate course of action.

Use standardised request forms

Consider using a standardised form or template for tenant inquiries to ensure that you gather all the necessary information consistently. This can help you avoid missing any critical details and ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

4. Explain the process

If a tenant has a question about a particular process, such as maintenance requests or rent payments, take the time to explain the process in a clear and concise manner. This will help to avoid confusion and ensure that the tenant knows what to expect.

Provide step-by-step instructions

Break down the process into clear and sequential steps, and provide step-by-step instructions. Use bullet points or numbered lists to make it easier for tenants to follow along.

Use visual aids if possible

Consider using visual aids such as diagrams, flowcharts, or infographics to illustrate the process. Visual aids can help tenants better understand complex processes and make it easier for them to follow along.

Highlight key deadlines or timeframes

If there are any deadlines or timeframes associated with the process, make sure to highlight them. Clearly communicate when certain actions need to be taken or when tenants can expect updates or outcomes.

5. Follow up

After responding to a tenant inquiry, follow up to ensure that the tenant’s needs have been met and that they are satisfied with your response. This shows that you are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and are committed to addressing their concerns.

By following these tips, you can effectively respond to tenant inquiries and maintain positive relationships with your tenants. Remember to be prompt, professional, and provide clear and accurate information. With effective communication, you can help ensure that your properties run smoothly and your tenants are satisfied with the services you provide.

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