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Chainels News

Van der Vorm Living launches Victor in a push for tenant-centred, community-focused digitisation

Van der Vorm Living enhances resident life quality with Victor, a digital property manager, fostering community and streamlining maintenance across multiple properties.

Van der Vorm Vastgoed started life over 100 years ago as a Rotterdam-based family business. Since then, the name has spread to five different countries, with an extensive portfolio of 44 residential complexes, 9 shopping malls, and 3 office buildings.

More recently, they launched Van der Vorm Living, an integrated living concept that goes beyond mere property management and strives to enrich residents’ life quality and wellbeing in their complexes. As Margarethe van der Vorm, Director of International Investments, says, "our residential brand is synonymous with a premium living experience within our complexes. This extends beyond the ambience, finish, and design; our primary focus is fostering a vibrant resident community.”

To help them reach this goal, Van der Vorm partnered with Chainels to launch their new app, Victor—the ‘digital property manager’. Earlier this year, they piloted the app in their Torenmolen property in Leiden. They have since expanded its use to additional residential properties like Delft Hoog in Delft.

This summer, they’ll continue to launch Victor for assets in Den Haag, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Zoetermeer, Rotterdam and Eindhoven. They will use Chainels to manage over 900 units in a gradual push for comprehensive digitisation across their entire portfolio by the end of summer.

The app helps Van der Vorm Living reinforce community-feeling by connecting tenants with their neighbours. It allows community managers to communicate directly with tenants through surveys and announcements, while asset managers can easily access data on occupancy, engagement, and issue resolution.

"We mainly focus on direct communication,” says Tim Aalders, Portfolio Manager at Van de Vorm. “We make sure that the threshold for getting in touch with tenants is as low as possible, hence the choice for our digital property manager, Victor, who's always reachable for tenants. "

Moreover, Van der Vorm Living can foster tenant satisfaction by enabling tenants to report and track repair and maintenance issues via the app’s intuitive Issue Reporting module.

Marnix Woertink, Service and Community Manager, underscores the transformative nature of Victor, stating, "The app connects tenants through events and community building, providing insight into rental data and complex-specific services." Tim Aalders adds, "Reporting repairs is streamlined, fostering direct communication with our complex managers. Victor ensures improved communication and a deeper understanding of complex qualities and tenant satisfaction.”

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